Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Kiwi Nutrition Fact

Kiwi fruit is filled with important minerals, vitamin C and E, potassium, Alfa Linoleic Acid (fatty acid) and fiber. In fact, kiwi fruit contains more vitamin C than an orange and more potassium than a banana.

Vitamin E is a fat soluble antioxidant which can protect against cancer. It also plays an essential role to regenerate of new healthy skin cells. It helps to keep the skin retaining its softness, and health. It also helps for circulation of all necessary nutrients through out the skin and around the body.

Vitamin C is a well known superb antioxidant. It helps for skin regeneration, hydrating and rejuvenating. Oranges are common rich of Vitamin C but kiwi fruit is twice as much Vitamin C as the orange.

Antioxidant derives due to kiwi fruit is abundant content of vitamin C and vitamin E. Antioxidant properties are essential to help protect against free radicals, which can be anything from pollution, sunlight and other external conditions which attack and harm your skin.

Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid that cannot be produced by your body alone. These fatty acids are important for prevention and healing of skin diseases and for production and maintenance healthy cell membranes.

Kiwi fruit is also rich in fiber. It can lower the level of cholesterol thus reducing the heart disease or even a stroke.

Kiwi is a perfect fruit that can help lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and soothe acidic stomachs. It also can help you to have a better sleep.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Nutrition Of Salmon

Salmon contain numerous of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein and fatty acids. It is low in calories and is a perfect meal for those who want to maintain a normal weight.

Omega 3 fatty acids in salmon are essential fatty acids that can help us to promote weight loss in several ways:-
  1. Omega 3s in salmon helps to prevent insulin resistance and stimulate the normal production and performance of insulin, thus improving the blood sugar level in your body. Conversely, it prevents overeating and cravings.
  2. Omega 3s assist the body in burning calories before stored and converted it into fats.
  3. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) in omega 3 fatty acid stimulates the production of a hormone, called Leptin. Leptin acts as the natural weight control device to burn more fat in our body's by regulating our metabolic rate and repressing our appetite.
Omega 3 fatty acids make the blood less to clot inside the arteries. It also helps to protect the heart from certain kinds of diseases by prevent the heart from beating irregularly, improve the ratio of HDL (good cholesterol) and prevent LDL (bad cholesterol) oxidation by free radicals.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Five Fruit And Vegetable Juices to Improve Your Health

There are five fruits and vegetables which are rich in the most vitamins and minerals that can help to improve your health.


Cranberry juice contains vitamin A and C, calcium, potassium, beta-carotene and more. It contains powerful antioxidants o support a healthy cardiovascular system. Besides, it helps to protect against urinary tract infections, support weight loss, stronger teeth and bones.


Blueberries have the highest amount of antioxidants of any fruit or vegetable. Antioxidants will neutralize the free radicals that damage our body by create cancer, heart disease, varicose veins, and cataracts. Blueberries provide the protection against ovarian and colon cancer. It can improve cholesterol levels, brain function, cognitive functions, and urinary health.


Tomato juice is rich of vitamins A, C, and K. It provides vitamin B1, potassium, magnesium, and dietary fiber. Tomatoes help to improve blood circulation, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, and other improvements to your health.


Orange is a well known fruit which is rich of vitamin C. Besides, it also contains other nutritional content such as vitamin B1, potassium, calcium, and dietary fiber. Orange juice can help for strengthen our immune system, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and may reduce the risk of heart disease. It can raise up our body energy levels, boost up metabolism, and as an anti-inflammatory agent.


Carrot juice is excellent source for dietary fiber and vitamins C, K. Beta-carotene is a powerful nutrient in carrot juice which help to protect your eyesight. It also helps for prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and regulating body blood sugar.

Benefis Of Tomatoes

Tomatoes provide lycopene and folate mineral. Lycopene prevents damage to the cells can caused the cancers such as breast cancers, prostate cancer and colon cancer. Folate helps to ward off these cancers.

Tomatoes contained vitamin A and C. Vitamin helping to strengthen your immunity from flus and colds as well as helping to improve your eyesight. Vitamin C protects us from free radicals, which are the compounds that destroy our health cells and promote viruses and other illnesses to our body.

Tomatoes contain vitamin K which helps for bone health. Vitamin K stimulates the action of osteocalcin, which help the bone's protein that is not collagen related. he osteocalcin in your body will itself to your bones, and this causes calcium to work in your favor.

Tomatoes are also strong in niacin, a water soluble vitamin. It lowers triglycerides and cholesterol. It is a healthy low fat diet source should significantly lower your blood lipid levels.

Potassium helps your nerves function properly with giving proper strength to your body's muscles. Eating food rich of potassium help lessened hypertension.

Chromium helps to lower your blood sugar levels as well as certain types of migraine headaches.

Tomato juice helps with blood clotting, due to tomato juice has some unique properties which help to thin the blood and keep the from sticking togetherplatelets .

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Benefits Of Tomatoes

Benefits of Tomatoes

Tomato is a healthy of any of fruit and vegetable. Tomato is concentrate with high anti-oxidant. The cooling elements of tomatoes which can soothe the raw skin amd it is the benifits to use for treat acne.

The Best Ways To Use Tomatoes To Treat Acne
There are two ways to use it which is use the tomato juice as an astringent or use the squash tomatoes as face mask.

These are some recipe you may try:-

Basic Tomato Face Mask - Remove the skin and seeds from tomato. Squash the tomatoes and apply it to your face. Use warm water to rinse off after an hour or more. Continuous to do it every day til your face acne clears.

Tomato and Avocado Face Mask - Avocado contain moisturizing and antiseptic properties. An effective face mask can be made when it combined with tomato. Prepare it by mixing mashed avocado with the recipe of basic tomato mask. Rinse off after 30 minutes.

Tomato and Yoghurt Face Mask - This type of mask is beneficial for those are suffering the acne raw or sunburn and itchy skin. The cooling effect of tomato combined with yogurt’s protein which can help to cool and soften you skin. Mix well the tomato and yogurt and apply. After 30 minutes, rinse your face with warm water.

Quick Tomato Treatment - Slice a tomato in half. Rub it in circular motion on your face, especially concentrate on cysts and blackheads, then rinse your face and moisturize.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Benefits of Celery Juice

Celery juice can bring you various of health benefits. In early century, celery juice was using for curing ailments such as constipation, menstrual problems, stones and the health disorder of gall bladder and liver.

Celery is an important medicinal plant and very beneficial to health due to it rich of active ingredients. Celery is with balance content of basic minerals, nutrients and vitamins. In additional, there are concentrate with the essential oils and plant hormones which give celery characteristic and strong smell. The essential oils have a great calming influence and on the regulation of the nervous system.

Celery has strong diuretic powers and enables to use in control health problem such as rheumatism and arthritis. Sufferers may consume raw or cooked vegetable, or make it in juice which is more effective for health treatment of all.

Celery juice help for elimination of carbon dioxide from the system, lung and bronchial ailment, regulate body temperatures and nervous afflictions. It is a great juice to rebuild blood cells due to it is high in iron and magnesium.
If taken celery juice with a teaspoon of honey before meal, it is very effectively to reduce your appetite. It will also help you to have a restful and soothing sleep.

It will help a whole host of diseases fir the mixing with carrot juice due to it furnishes a balance of iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium and sulphur.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Benefis Of Apple Juice

Apple juice contains vitamin B, vitamin C, iron, chlorine, phosphorus, silicon, calcium and potassium. It also contains a mineral called pectin, which soothing the intestines and is an aid to combating constipation. Apple juice will help the function of the kidneys, improve digestion system and elimination of toxins inside the body. It also can balance the good and bad bacteria in the colon.

Apple juice present with high level of anti-oxidants. These anti-oxidants have a positive effect to the level of cholesterol. It also can help to prevent the diseases such as heart disease, cancer and weight loss as well. Besides, apple juice is also able to purify the blood and is very helpful as a general tonic for the skin and liver.

Quercetin is the most popular among the many anti-oxidants of apple juice. It possesses anti-aging benefits because it can boost the body's defenses against cellular and inflammation damage. It can maintain the skin elastic and stronger cellular matrix by manufacture more collagen.

Apple juice has a beneficial effect upon gallstones and gouty arthritis. It is an excellent juice for young children because it is nutritious and delicious and also acts as energy booster due to its natural sugar content.

You can enhance the taste of apple juice by mixing other nutrient juices such as celery juice, banana juice or carrot juice.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Benefits Of Carrot Juice

In fact, a liquid nutrient is more superior to any other of superior nutrient. Liquid can straight away providing excellent nutrients for the body once it is in our mouth. For tablet, it has to let the stomach acid do the work, and only small percentage of nutrients go in the system.

Carrot juice is rich of vitamin A and vitamin C. It also contained Potassium, a mineral which helps with
muscle control as well as reducing
cholesterol levels.

Nowadays, children do love smoothies or shakes. Fruit smoothies can be making with strawberries, apples, oranges, bananas, blackcurrants, raspberries or any other types of ruits and mix in a little of carrot juice. For a healthy option, you can try to mix up with natural yoghurt.

We can get a good dose of Calcium vitamin C and vitamin A with these carrot juices which are a good prevention against Osteoporosis. It also helps to increase body's complete absorption of nutrients from the food.
Carrots can help to improve night vision. Carrot juices are rich of beta-carotene and contain an antioxidant arsenal which is targets for cancer cells and heart health.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Juice Aloe Vera is a healthy weight loss plan. It also is a safe and healthy energy booster.

Aloe Vera Gel can reduce swelling, calms and soothe burns or wounded areas. The gel contains anti bacterial quality which can reduce the chances of wound infection. It also can heal the chronic skin diseases such as itchy Eczema, Psoriasis and Acne.

Benefits Of Juice Aloe Vera:
  • It has laxative quality which helps in poor digestion
  • Helps to regulate level of blood pressure
  • Strengthen body immune system
  • Regulation of Blood sugar
  • Defend the body against bacteria
  • Heals the damage of internal tissue (ulcers)
  • Heal /reduces the itchiness in psoriasis
  • Detoxify your body - the juice contains amino acids which work together to detoxify heavy metals.
  • Initiate the process of discharging the waste material such as the food which is undigested and the material clinging on the inner lining of colon. These wastes materials prevent the absorption of nutrients completely and caused re-absorption toxins into the body.

Please seek for doctor's advices before you start drink juice Aloe Vera. Drink 2 to 4 ounces in one day which is needed to gain the benefits of juice Aloe Vera. Never drink more than the recommended dose which can cause the side effects such as diarrhea.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fruit Smoothies

Fruit smoothies are rich of minerals and vitamins which are important for our health. The more common fruits to use are blueberries, strawberries and bananas.

To make banana smoothie, just mix one or two medium bananas (depends on your favorite) with raw nuts, 1 pear and vanilla stevia with half cup of water and blend it. This smoothie is rich of potassium which can help muscles in proper functioning and maintain healthy circulatory systems. It can lower the risk of developing stomach ulcers and regulates the level of acids in stomach. With the high fiber content, it helps in digestion as well. With the high fiber content, it helps in our body digestion.
Blueberry is one of powerful antioxidants. Blueberry can help to slow down aging and promotes brain function. It also helps to boosts up the immune system, prevent urinary tract infections, constipation and cancer. This is due to it contained antibiotic properties, carotenoids, flavonoids, vitamins, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. You can try to blend one cup of blueberries and one banana, lemon juice, one cup of ice cubes and water to achieve these benefits.

Strawberry has no cholesterol and sodium and is very low in calories. A mixing smoothie recipe is one cup of strawberries with vanilla stevia, one banana, lemon juice, one cup of ice cubes and water. Strawberry is good for our heart. It regulates and keep normal blood pressure, and lower level of bad cholesterol but raise up the good cholesterol.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Bitter Melon Benefits For Diabetes Treatment

Bitter melon is known as bitter gourd, Karela or Mormodica charantia. You can find it at the tropical areas such as Asia, Afrika, Caribbean or South America.

In Philippines, bitter melon known as ampalaya. The leaves and shoots are do use as salad. Especially for poor people, they use it as bitter melon tea to control diabetes and blood sugar levels.

Bitter melon juice contains oleanolic acid, which can strengthen your insulin production and improve the blood sugar.

Besides, its anti-oxidant helps to protect your kidneys and reduce your cholesterol levels. It gives positive affect for those with psoriasis, autoimmune diseases and AIDS due to it contains iron and rich in other components. Bitter melon may improve your
health and affect the process of aging. diseases.

The way to use it
You can take bitter melon juice on empty stomach or prepare some serving dishes with its fruits, leaves, shoots, or seeds.

Remember, bitter melon cannot work alone. You will only get much more results if you can make the right directions in your dietary strategy and lifestyle habits.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Detoxification is essential if you want to have a healthy living life. It is important to clean your body from inside to prevent you from contaminate any serious health conditions in future life.

These are some of the remedies that might help you to clean your body in 3 days.

· Dandelion
Dandelion is herb and it considered as one of the most powerful detoxifying remedies. It can help to increase the bile production which is important for bladder to function well.

· Cascara Sagrada
Cascara Sagrada supports healthy bowel movement since it has mild laxative components. It can also help to cure gall bladder and liver problems.

· Licorice Root
Licorice Root is an antioxidant herb and it can treats people irritable bowel syndrome and gall bladder problems.

· Black Walnut Hulls
Black Walnut Hulls can help removes parasites living in your intestines. It also helps to remove fatty materials around your colon and toxic buildup in your body.

· Milk Thistle
Milk Thistle also called as liver tonic. It helps to protect the liver and keep it as healthy as possible.

You can try to cleanse your body from inside without the side effects with this remedies checklist in order to stay healthy for your future life.